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Do you truly accept yourself yet?

I ask this rhetorically as many struggle to be ok with who they really are & thats ok. What matters is we are learning more about who we are, why we do the things we do & what inspires us to chose what we do. Oftentimes we […]

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What are you now pushing away from & releasing? What are you inviting in?

Did you know in order to create active internal resistance within the body to build muscles & stimulate organ revitalization you must physically exert force as in the motion or movement of pushing away? This is great but what about for the mental & spiritual aspects of […]

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Calm Quieting Stillness for Successful Holiday Adventures with Loved Ones

Hello ABXers! You know who you are . . .Always Being eXceptionalists. Yes!! That’s YOU! So proud of you for sticking with your workout & nutritional plans keeping you on track for fitness, overall health & longevit. Did you know that stress is the main culprit of […]

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How to build a $100,000 per month business. Let’s GO!

How to build a $100,000 per month business. Let's GO!

The first step to building any business is deciding WHAT to sell. How’d you like to SKIP that step and jump straight to making money? If you look for a product on Amazon, chances are that most of the top results are run by businesses all influenced […]

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What sets your soul on FIRE?

Have you ever found yourself noticing you really hate certain things & really love others? What do you do when confronted with a challenge that makes you cringe & shrink into darkness? Can you imagine learning to love the bumps & hard parts of life knowing on […]

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My heart goes out to anyone finding themselves in the FAT BOAT right now…

My heart goes out to anyone finding themselves in the FAT BOAT right now...

It sucks! I get it. I know how you feel. You may feel trapped, helpless, sad, insecure of your future & ashamed to show your face much less your body that is attached in public. You may hate having to roll out of bed in the morning […]

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How Feelings Can Cripple Your Life & What to do to change them…

How Feelings Can Cripple Your Life & What to do to change them...

Have you ever felt just plain desparate in trying to get your to do list complete, your shopping list finalized, those BIG projects off your plate once & for all? Rest assured… you are not the only one. Many people struggle with becoming easily overwhelmed by all […]

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Fabulous Fitness for When the Weather Warms up FAST!

Have you found as the heat approaches you become fatigued faster? It is no joke. . . The sun can heal, true. . . However strong medicine needs to be cautioned for overuse or abuse. Tips for Summer Slimdown: 1. Wake as early as possible for some […]

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Do you find it challenging to run multiples of online businesses & stay fit?

Do you find it challenging to run multiples of online businesses & stay fit?

Welcome to the club! You are not alone. You may be a successful online retailer, product manufacturer, highly paid blogger, networking funnel builder, brand newweb developer &/or an entire host of other duties, hats, jobs & responsibilities to continue to be the best & show the world […]

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Fashion Forward Fitness & Fighting the Fat for Summer . . . . .

Fashion Forward Fitness & Fighting the Fat for Summer . . . . .

Are you familiar with yoga pants? Did you know that just wearing them can give you magical powers? Let’s do this together . . . Shall we? First thing tomorrow morning, before doing anything else, put on your favorite leggings or workout wear & commit to shaking […]

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